Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Life is a journey.

One of my friends recently told me “life is a journey Em”. I have heard that time and time again and never really thought about it until today. As I was walking along a leaf covered path & the brisk wind blew wickedly in my face. I started thinking about my life and if I have lived it to the fullest. If I have done everything I wanted to do up to this point. Obviously not. Who has? We all wish we could go back and change something about our lives. Might be something small or could be something major. Either way we have all been down a path that only we can understand.

We have all had heart breaks that we thought would last a lifetime, but eventually healed {because time heals everything right?} We have all had those incredible victories that we never wanted to end but of course they had to. We have cried many tears of joy and sadness. We have seen the hurting and we have been the hurting. We have traveled to places and seen a small glimpse of the beauty that awaits us in heaven.
We have been on this journey for many a days now. Some days we question if we are in the right profession, church, relationship, or even city. We will never know the answer to that. We will keep second guessing that maybe there is something better out there for us. Maybe we could make more money to have a nicer car & clothes. Maybe we would have more friends if we lived a different lifestyle. Why are we always thinking about ourselves and what we need to make this a better life? Our main focus should be on others. What others needs are and what they might need in order to have a good life.

I love people that come to me hurting and broken. That need someone to listen to their story and what they are going through. It never feels good to be the broken and hurt but it feels good to have that one person who is always there for you. That’s what I aim to be. I want everyone to feel comfortable with me - I want them to be able to tell me whatever is on their mind. It always feels good to vent to someone & have someone listen to you :: so why not be that for someone else?

As a Christ follower I believe it is my job to look out for others and let them see God’s love through me. Some days it is hard. We all have tough days and have a broken spirit ourselves. But those are the days that we have to remember God’s promise in {Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted & saves those who are crushed in spirit.”} He will never leave us. Other people in our lives will abandon us and leave us broken but God never will. Prayer is one of the best things you can do. It is so easy and will genuinely make you feel better. You might not get the results you want at that exact moment {or ever}. But one thing is for sure that God will always equip you with what you need to get through this life. He never makes you go a day without everything you need.

Let these promises live through your heart and lives today & every day. The Lord loves you and is {ALWAYS} close to you no matter the circumstances.

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